
Living Box

WATCH: Israel develops kit to grow vegetables at home

Nitzan Solan, CEO of LivingGreen, explains how the Israeli start-up's “Living Box” system produces up to 30 different organic vegetables in a space of one square meter while using only water (hydroponics) and solar energy, with no soil, fertilizer or other energy source necessary.
May 17, 2017
Pope Francis

WATCH: Pope sways to Hasidic music

Pope Francis swayed with the music as a Jewish delegation sang 'Long years shall satiate him,' in a prelude to a meeting about protecting children.
May 9, 2017
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

WATCH: Media attack Ivanka Trump and her husband

Erin Elmore, Esq. an international political correspondent and spokesperson for President Donald Trump, says the mainstream media ignores Ivanka Trump's Women to Work Campaign and attack her and her husband because they define her by her father.
April 27, 2017