JEXIT: New group pushing Jews to exit Democratic party

Group organized by Jewish Trump supporter makes play on BREXIT, calling on Jews to leave their traditional union with the Democratic Party.

By World Israel News Staff

A group of Jewish Republicans is advising fellow Jews who are members of the Democratic Party to bail out and vote for President Trump in November, saying American Jews “can no longer blindly vote Democrat.”

Michelle Terris is the founder and president of JEXIT – ‘Jews Leaving the Democrat Party’ and the former co-chair of the Jews for Trump coalition in the 2016 elections. In an interview on Israel News Talk Radio Monday, she said that as a party, the Democrats were no longer supporting Israel.

“We are trying to educate and persuade our Jewish brothers and sisters to leave the Democratic Party, which has basically abandoned the Jews and Israel,” Terris said. “JEXIT is a movement that believes that American Jews can no longer blindly vote Democrat.”

Terris admitted that some Jews might have a problem voting for Trump, acknowledging that voting Republican would be “a difficult red pill to swallow.”

“We try to deal in facts, not feelings,” Terris said. “A lot of people – it’s difficult for them, we call it TDS, the Trump Derangement Syndrome, because people are afraid to admit that they are supporting the greatest president for Jews and Israel.”

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“We know based on the conversations that we have that they are very disenchanted with their party and they see that it has moved so far radically to the left that they basically don’t really have a choice but to vote for President Trump.”

JEXIT says its mission is to educate Jews about the “dangerous shift” in Democrat party policy away from support of Israel.

Jews have traditionally been a bulwark of support for the Democrats, but JEXIT says the party is “undergoing a seismic and alarming change” by embracing anti-Semitic and anti-Israel comments by congressional Democrats like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who not only fail to defend Israel but instead support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
