The comedian argued that Facebook should police its content more.
By World Israel News Staff
Actor and comedian Sacha Baron Cohen slammed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a series of tweets on Sunday, describing a recent speech by Zuckerberg as “disengenous.”
Cohen’s tweets were prompted by Zuckerberg’s Oct. 17 speech at Georgetown University in which he made his case for allowing a broad range of voices on his social media site.
Zuckerberg said, “We can continue to stand for free expression, understanding its messiness, but believing that the long journey towards greater progress requires confronting ideas that challenge us. Or we can decide the cost is simply too great. I’m here today because I believe we must continue to stand for free expression.”
Zuckerberg also cited the First Amendment and a Supreme Court case. “As a principle, in a democracy, I believe people should decide what is credible, not tech companies,” he said.
However, the social media giant has been criticized in recent years for ignoring its responsibility to police its site and remove hateful content, or misinformation, such as fake news. Cohen took that side of the debate in his tweets.
“Just heard #MarkZuckerberg’s disingenuous speech. He is not the government, but the owner of a private business and not subject to the 1st Amendment!” he tweeted.
“If he owned a fancy restaurant and 4 neo-Nazis came goose-stepping into the dining room and were talking loudly about wanting to kill ‘Jewish scum’, would he serve them an elegant eight course meal? Or would tell them to get the f**k out of his restaurant? It’s the same thing.
“He has every legal right, indeed a moral duty, to tell them to get the f**k out of his restaurant,” Cohen tweeted.
He has every legal right, indeed a moral duty, to tell them to get the f**k out of his restaurant.
— Sacha Baron Cohen (@SachaBaronCohen) October 17, 2019