Washington blasts UN as Hamas celebrates terror attack on pregnant woman

“Hamas praises yet another terror attack. You had the ability to help fight against terror,” Greenblatt tweeted, blasting the U.N. for not passing a U.S.-sponsored resolution condemning Hamas.

By World Israel News Staff

The U.S. condemned Sunday night’s Palestinian terror attack in Samaria and Hamas’s celebration over the critical wounding of a pregnant woman.

Just after 9 p.m., the attackers fired shots at Israeli civilians in a passing car outside the community of Ofra in Samaria.

“Another vile act of #Palestinian terrorism last night included the shooting of a pregnant woman,” tweeted US Ambassador David Friedman. “Hamas calls the shooters “heroic” – yes, the same #Hamas that the @UN could not resolve to condemn last week. The #US stands with #Israel against terrorists even if others won’t.”

Jason Greenblatt, Assistant to President Donald Trump and Special Representative for International Negotiations, called the attack “Absolutely Disgusting.”

“My prayers and thoughts are with the victims and their families,” he said, adding, “President [Mahmoud] Abbas, will you condemn the act this time??”

In a second tweet, Greenblatt condemned Hamas comments and celebrations of the attack.

“@UN this is what you defended last week when you failed to condemn Hamas,” he said. “Hamas praises yet another terror attack. You had the ability to help fight against terror. Is this what the UN wants its legacy to be?”

Greenblatt was referring to a U.S.-sponsored resolution that condemned the Palestinian terror group but failed to pass at the U.N. on Thursday. However, for the first time, a majority of countries denounced Hamas but the vote fell short of the required two-thirds majority.

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that the Israeli authorities “will not rest” until the murderers are captured and brought to justice.

“We are all praying for the wellbeing of the wounded from last night’s terrorist attack in [the community of] Ofra. We support the doctors who are fighting for the baby’s life. Abhorrent terrorists tried to murder a mother and the baby in her womb. This is monstrous.”

TPS contributed to this report.
