Attorney General probes suspicions surrounding PM

Prime Minister Netanyahu is being probed by Israel’s judicial system for possible financial misconduct. 

By: AP and World Israel News Staff

Israel’s attorney general Avichai Mandelblit announced he is looking into suspicions surrounding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which are reportedly related to his personal finances.

Mandelblit stated he made the decision after reviewing, along with State Attorney Shai Nitzan, evidence from a police intelligence unit’s investigation.

Israel’s Justice Ministry did not disclose the suspicions against Netanyahu in a statement late Sunday.

The statement stressed that the probe was an initial review, and not a criminal investigation. It noted that in recent days, the media has been issuing reports that are far from accurate.

Israeli media reported that they are linked to an alleged transfer of money to Netanyahu or one of his family members, and some have reported that the suspicions relate to possible money laundering.

attorney general Avichai Mandelblit

Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit. (Marc Israel Sellem/POOL)

A spokesman for Netanyahu told Israeli media there was “nothing” behind the suspicions.

Netanyahu and his wife have been dogged by accusations of shady dealings and financial mismanagement. Netanyahu has been accused of receiving campaign funds from a Frenchman convicted in his country for fraud.

Read  Israeli sentenced to 7 years in Malaysian prison

Police have recommended that Netanyahu’s wife Sara be indicted for inflated household spending and misuse of state funds. The prime minister and his wife have denied any wrongdoing.

So far, nothing has materialized into an actual conviction.

