Analysis & Opinion

Cory Booker

Opinion: AIPAC rewards Cory Booker for abandoning Israel

What has Cory done to deserve such honor, unless abandoning Israel’s security, funding its genocidal enemies, condemning the US for recognizing Jerusalem as its capital, and taking selfies with BDS haters counts?
March 3, 2020
Tree of Life Synagogue

Opinion: When will American Jewry wake up?

Over the past 15 years, black anti-Semitism began cohabiting with leftist anti-Semitism. The initiative to merge the two forms of Jew-hatred came from leftist anti-Semites. Under
January 5, 2020
Dr. Theodor Herzl 1900

Opinion: Theodor Herzl at the Opera

If you’re familiar with Wagner’s anti-Semitic politics, Tannhäuser might seem an odd choice of entertainment for the founder of political Zionism.
December 19, 2019
Donald Trump

Opinion: Thanking Trump on Thanksgiving

I’m an American Jew, and last year I started keeping a running tab in my notebook as I was pleasantly surprised time after time by the White House’s strong pushback against anti-Semitic double standards.
December 8, 2019