Analysis & Opinion

Jude star

Fighting yesterday’s Jew-hatred

The purpose of a conference on anti-Semitism was to discuss current and future challenges, but the expert panel appeared mentally stuck in the past.
March 14, 2018
Jordan's King Abdullah II

Analysis: From Amman to Jerusalem

Rather than heeding Abdullah’s threats of violence, Trump can tell him to prevent that violence by ending his media’s antisemitic incitement.
December 4, 2017
Mahmoud Abbas

Analysis: Abbas’ security doubletalk

It is far from lost on the PA that security coordination with Israel is what stands between a very hungry Hamas and Abbas served up on toast for breakfast.
July 25, 2017
Abbas at UNESCO

Analysis: UNESCO supports terror

The UNESCO resolutions denying the Jewish ties to the Holy Land are being interpreted by many Palestinians as a green light to pursue their 'armed struggle' to 'liberate Palestine.'
July 12, 2017
ISIS threat

Is radical Islam horrifying the West into paralysis?

With policies dictated by the fear of negative media images spread across the world, the West's decision-making is susceptible to appeasement, censorship and retreat to avoid facing the horrible reality and fighting it head on.
July 5, 2017