Immigrants riot in Stockholm

Immigrants rioted in Stockholm on Monday and Tuesday night. Was Trump right?

Immigrants rioted in a suburb in Stockholm Tuesday night after police officers arrested a suspect on drug charges.

The clashes began late Monday night in Rinkeby, north of Stockholm. People began throwing stones at the police after a suspect had been arrested.

Vandals, including some wearing masks, also set cars on fire and looted shops.

One officer was lightly injured when a rock hit his arm, and one person was arrested for throwing rocks, police spokesman Lars Bystrom said Tuesday.

Some civilians who tried to stop the looters were also assaulted, he added.

Another officer fired his gun, not as a warning shot, but because he was “in a situation that demanded he used his firearm,” Bystrom said, adding “no one was hit.”

He declined to give further details, saying the episode would be investigated.

A photographer from Dagens Nyheter said he had been assaulted by a group of around 15 people when arriving in Rinkeby to report on the disturbance.

“I was hit with a lot of punches and kicks both to my body and my head. I have spent the night in hospital,” he told the newspaper.

Police were investigating three cases of violent rioting, assaulting a police officer, two assaults, vandalism and aggravated thefts, he said.

“This kind of situation doesn’t happen that often but it is always regrettable when it happens,” Bystrom said.

Rinkeby is considered a “no-go-zone” for the police and the media, who are afraid of the immigrants who dominate the area. It has previously been the site of riots in 2010 and 2013.

The riot broke out just days after President Donald Trump caused a stir in Sweden with a remark he made during a rally in Florida on Saturday.

At that time Trump said “look what’s happening last night in Sweden,” he said, while recounting the various Islamic terror attacks which occurred in Europe over the past two years.

Trump subsequently said he was talking about a news report he saw on immigrant violence in Sweden, tweeting: “My statement as to what’s happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden.”

On Monday, Trump continued his criticism, tweeting: “The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!”

By: AP and World Israel News
