‘Israel turning Gaza into a graveyard for children,’ UN secretary-general accuses

Antonio Guterres condemns IDF operation in Gaza, pushes for immediate ceasefire.

By World Israel News Staff

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned Israel’s ongoing counter-terror operation in the Gaza Strip, and called for an immediate ceasefire Monday.

Speaking to journalists at a press conference at UN headquarters in New York, Guterres accused Israel of turning the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave into a “graveyard for children,” while making only passing mention of the Hamas massacres of 1,400 Israelis which led to the outbreak of the current war, and no mention of the ongoing rocket and missile attacks by Gaza terrorists.

“The nightmare in Gaza is more than a humanitarian crisis,” Guterres said. “It is a crisis of humanity.”

“The unfolding catastrophe in Gaza makes the need for a humanitarian ceasefire more urgent with every passing hour.”

“Gaza is becoming a graveyard for children. Hundreds of girls and boys are reportedly being killed or injured every day.”

“More journalists have reportedly been killed over a four-week period than in any conflict in at least three decades. More United Nations aid workers have been killed than in any comparable period in the history of our organization.”

While Israel has allowed in humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, Guterres downplayed the current transfers as a “trickle of assistance” which “does not meet the ocean of need.”

Four-hundred trucks filled with aid have entered the war-torn enclave over the past two weeks, and Israel has restored two of the three water connections with the Gaza Strip, providing drinking water despite the war.

“More food, more water, more medicine and of course fuel – entering Gaza safely, swiftly and at the scale needed. Now. Unfettered access to deliver supplies to all people in need in Gaza. Now. And the end of the use of civilians as human shields. Now,” Guterres demanded.

Guterres said he was troubled by the explosive rise in antisemitism worldwide, while also warning against a possible increase in anti-Muslim sentiment.

“we must find a way to hold on to our common humanity,” he said.

“I think of civilians in Gaza – the vast majority women and children — terrified by the relentless bombardment.”

“I think of all those tortured and killed in Israel nearly one month ago and the hostages – abducted from their homes, their families, their friends while simply living their lives.”

Read  Israel will never surrender 'military and political assets in Gaza', Netanyahu vows
