Netanyahu to visit Moscow for talks on Syria, Iran

Netanyahu will visit the Kremlin this week for talks on Mideast “regional developments.”

By: AP and World Israel News

Israel’s prime minister is set to visit Moscow for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin amid Middle East tensions.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said in a statement Saturday that they will discuss “regional developments.”

It said they will meet Wednesday at the Kremlin after attending a Victory Day parade marking the anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany.

The two leaders have met several times to coordinate activities in Syria, where Russia has placed significant forces.

Israel warns it will not tolerate its archenemy Iran establishing a military presence in neighboring Syria.

Israel has been suspected in a pair of airstrikes on Iranian targets in Syria, though it has not confirmed involvement, and Iran has threatened retaliation.

Most recently, in a presentation to the world community, Netanyahu exposed incriminating evidence gathered by Israel’s intelligence agency, showing that continues to lie about its nuclear weapons program.
