Palestinians celebrate deadly shooting, mock manhunt for terrorist

A cartoon circulating among Palestinians shows their excitement over what they hope will be the next deadly attack.

By World Israel News Staff

Residents of both the Palestinian Authority and the Gaza Strip are celebrating the deadly terror attack in Tel Aviv Thursday night that claimed two lives. Several victims are in critical condition.

Palestinians celebrate terror

Palestinian cartoon celebrating four deadly terror attacks throughout Israel, Apr. 7, 2022. (Abu Ali Exxpress)

They’re also celebrating — again — the three previous attacks that took place in the past two weeks  throughout Israel – in Beersheba, Hadera and B’nei Brak – that claimed 11 lives. The cartoon above shows their excitement over what they hope will be the next deadly attack.

The mosques in Gaza praised the attack in Tel Aviv with calls of “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the greatest).

Each time an attack occured, Palestinians throughout the PA and Gaza have handed out sweets, saluting the terrorists.

“We welcome the operation in Tel Aviv, a direct result of [Israel’s’ ongoing aggression against the land and the holy sites,” Mahmoud al-Zahar, a senior Hamas figure, stated Thursday night, translated by Abu Ali Express.

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After Thursday’s attack, a manhunt was underway in Israel for the shooter. According to popular Telegram blogger Abu Ali Express, the most viral photo mocks Israeli police searching for the suspect, showing multiple officers pointing guns.
