Police close down Nazi book center discovered by Jews in major city

A publishing house in Argentina offering Nazi literature online was discovered by the country’s largest Jewish organization.

By World Israel News Staff

Federal police raided the affluent Buenos Aires suburb of San Isidro, confiscating more than 200 books with Nazi insignia, Iron Crosses, and other symbols of the Nazi Party following an investigation spurred by the DAIA, the country’s largest Jewish organization.

Five years ago, the group discovered a trove containing thousands of documents proving that Argentina supported Hitler and the Nazi movement in Germany.

The group says it first discovered what it calls “the largest library of online Nazi literature” two years ago when it came upon a book published by the Libreria Argentina publishing house.

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency said the company was apparently run by a Pablo Giorgetti, who was first detained as a university student about a decade ago for distributing Nazi propaganda in violation of Argentinian law.

The DAIA cited Giorgetti as heading the “largest Nazi and antisemitic book distributor in Argentina.”

DAIA Vice President Marcos Cohen said it was “astonishing that there are people producing this type of material and worrying that there are people who consume it,” during a press conference announcing the raid. “That is the challenge we have to work on,” he added.

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“We are shocked by how profuse the material is. We have to work on punishment but we also have a lot to do in education because the first thing we have to eradicate are the readers of this material,” pointed out Cohen.

The Nazi books were first discovered by the DAIA on the Mercado Libre online book site. The site has since disavowed antisemitic literature and vowed to remove it.
