Terrorist who slaughtered Salomon family gets salary from PA

Ambassador Danny Danon reminded the world of the monthly salary the PA will now pay to the terrorist who slaughtered three Israeli family members.

As the United Nations prepared for a special Security Council session to address the Temple Mount crisis in Jerusalem, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, presented a grisly photo of the carnage committed by a Palestinian terrorist in Halamish last Friday night. The murderer stabbed and killed three members of the Salomon family who had gathered to celebrate the birth of a baby boy.

Addressing the press prior to the Security Council meeting, Danon displayed a photo showing the blood-drenched floor of the Salomon home. “They sat down to eat the Sabbath meal when the terrorist entered their home. He stabbed his victims to death, murdering Yosef, the 70-year-old grandfather, his daughter Haya, and his son Elad, all while the children were hidden in a room,” Danon reminded the reporters.

With the photo of the bloody scene just a few feet away, Danon explained to the crowd that Omar al-Abed, the perpetrator of the heinous attack, will now receive a monthly salary from the Palestinian Authority (PA). According to official PA regulations, such terrorists receive monthly salary payments equaling $3,120 for life. Frequently, such payments represent the booty designated for family members of terrorists killed as a result of their atrocities. The median salary for a Palestinian engineer, in comparison, is around $1,300 per month.

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Al-Abed said the stabbing was in response to the metal detectors installed by the IDF on the Temple Mount following another terror attack on the holy site that claimed the lives of two Israeli policemen.

“Instead of condemning this act of terror and calming the situation, the Palestinians are trying to spread the lie that this unspeakable act of violence is Israel’s fault. Do not believe these lies. The terrorist who murdered this family did so knowing that the PA will pay him thousands of dollars a month,” Danon stated.

“This attack is not an isolated incident. It is part of a wave of Islamic terror sweeping the free world by those brainwashed by hateful teachings. They are taught that violence and coldblooded murder is holy. The Security Council must demand that Mahmoud Abbas and the PA act immediately to end the terror and incitement before the lives of more innocent victims are lost,” the ambassador concluded.

By: World Israel News Staff
