Palestinians threaten to end post-Oslo peace agreements with Israel

Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas claims his organization is abandoning their commitments under the decades-old framework for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.


Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas’ comments came during a special meeting of the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul that was convened in response to U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The PA president said he would refuse any future U.S. involvement in the peace process and threatened that there will be “no peace or stability” in the region until Jerusalem is recognized as the Palestinian capital.

“We will tell the Israelis that we are no longer committed to any agreement from Oslo until today,” he said, adding that the PA would push for full membership in the United Nations, where the Palestinians currently have non-member observer state status.

“We agreed with America we would not join international institutions on the condition that American does not transfer its embassy, does not initiate any action against our office in Washington and orders Israel to freeze settlement building,” Abbas said.
