Rocket barrage targets southern city as sirens shatter morning calm

Israelis woke to terrorist rockets and red alert sirens on Wednesday morning.

By World Israel News Staff

A rocket barrage rained down on the city of Netivot in Israel’s south on  Wednesday morning after a relatively quiet night following a bombardment of some 200 rockets on Tuesday.

No injuries are reported.

Also on Wednesday morning, red alert sirens woke Israelis in Ashkelon, Kibbutz Nahal Oz, the Shefela area and the Gaza envelope. They were the first sirens heard since the last siren sounded at 10:48 p.m. Tuesday.

Israel’s Home Front Command say schools will remain closed on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, the Home Front had ordered all schools closed and warned people working as far north as Tel Aviv to stay near shelter.

Starting on Tuesday afternoon, the IDF reported that its air force conducted attacks on terror targets belonging to Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip. The terror group is an Iranian proxy.

Three people were killed in IDF airstrikes, the Palestinian Authority reported, according to Arutz 7.

Among the targeted sites were a terrorist training compound and underground weapons manufacturing and storage sites.

One of the training compounds was used by the Islamic Jihad’s naval commando unit. A shaft of an offensive terror tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip and a tunnel digging site in the central Gaza Strip were also hit.

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The IDF expects the attacks to continue for several days. Islamic Jihad is reacting to the targeted killing of one of its most important leaders, Baha Abu Al Ata.

The Islamic Jihad said that the “real response” to the killing of Al Ata is yet to come, Israel’s Channel 12 reports.

According to reports, the IDF missile that killed Islamic Jihad leader Al Ata and his wife entered through the window of the small room where he was hiding – a testament to the prowess of Israel’s precision missile technology.
