White supremacists wave Nazi flags in front of Disney World

“The Orange County Sheriff’s Office deplores hate speech in any form, but people have the First Amendment right to demonstrate.”

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

A group of white supremacists waved Nazi flags in front of Disney World Saturday along with signs supporting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ run for the presidency.

In photos uploaded to social media of the incident, about 15 people can be seen holding the large, swastika-bedecked flags of the Nazi party outside the entrance to the entertainment resort on the street corner, which is public property.

There is at least one flag poked into the ground saying “DeSantis 2024, Make America Florida,” referring to the Republican governor’s bid for his party’s nomination for the presidency which is up for grabs next year.

DeSantis has written a book about the successes he says he has spearheaded in his state that he would like to spread countrywide. This includes a long-running fight against political “wokeness” that the Disney conglomerate supports, with the governor and entertainment giant in a feud that has lasted for over a year. DeSantis has rescinded the company’s right to independently govern its property in Florida, and Disney has sued him, claiming they are being punished for exercising its first amendment freedom of expression rights.

In a video, at least one person can be heard yelling “Give us a honk for white power” into a megaphone, while another shouts “Go back to Mexico.” This seemingly refers to the flood of illegal immigrants who have poured over the southern border into the United States for well over a year, angering many, including DeSantis, who says he wants to put a stop to it.

Read  The Nazification of anti-Zionism

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office said deputies arrived on the scene but made no arrests during the protest, which lasted for about two hours.

“We are aware of these groups that aim to agitate and incite people with anti-Semitic symbols and slurs,” the office said in a statement. “They are also aware of the law. The Orange County Sheriff’s Office deplores hate speech in any form, but people have the First Amendment right to demonstrate.”

Last May, a small group demonstrated in a similar way in the same place, in a scene that the Anti-Defamation League called “an abhorrent display of antisemitism.”

DeSantis is a firm and outspoken supporter of Israel and has spoken out against antisemitism numerous times.
