
Elizabeth Warren

WATCH: Warren commits to boycott pro-Israel conference

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren vowed to skip the top pro-Israel advocacy group's annual conference after accused it of 'forming alliances' with 'Islamophobes, anti-Semites and white nationalists.
February 8, 2020
Mohammed Dajani Daoudi

WATCH: Palestinian professor educates Arabs about the Holocaust

Palestinian Professor Mohammed Dajani Daoudi founded a group to create materials to teach the Holocaust to Arab readers. After organizing a trip of Arab students to Auschwitz, he was forced to quit his post at Al-Quds University and his car was set on fire, i24NEWS reports.
February 8, 2020
Fatah song

WATCH: Fatah puts opposition to Trump deal to song

'We are trampling it, trampling it, by Allah we will trample it,' goes the chorus of a song posted on Fatah's Facebook page, threatening anyone who supports the U.S. Mideast peace deal, , Palestinian Media Watch reports.
January 30, 2020
Katie Hopkins

WATCH: How much longer will French Jews be in the heart of Paris?

Katie Hopkins, British columnist and media personality, charted the emigration of French Jews from Paris after Islamist terror attacks. With the Arc de Triomphe behind her, she asked, 'How much longer will there be French Jews living in the heart of Paris?'
January 28, 2020