Israel’s president honors UK journalist Douglas Murray

The British author and journalist has defended Israel nonstop in the media and in personal appearances since the war began.

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

Douglas Murray, a British author and journalist who has defended Israel nonstop in the media and in personal appearances since the war began, received a special award from President Isaac Herzog Tuesday.

Some 150 government officials, leading researchers and publicists attended the event, held at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem.

Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli presented the award together with Herzog, with both praising Murray’s advocacy efforts while decrying the need for it.

“Since October 7th, forms of popular and organized antisemitism have skyrocketed around the world,” Herzog said, in part. “This explosion of hatred has been astounding. It has exposed the lie that there is a practical difference between virulent anti-Zionism and virulent antisemitism.”

“For six months now, Douglas Murray has been right on the front lines, offering an eloquent, informed and compelling voice in defense of Israel, and in defense of the truths and values which we all share.”

In thanking Murray “in the name of the people of Israel,” Chikli said that the Jewish state was “blessed to have intellectuals like you standing by our side in this epic struggle,” which Murray “immediately understood” was “an existential battle for the future of the West, the future of humanity.”

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He noted that Murray’s stance was “the fruit of years of careful study and deep investigation,” as the author has written several books on Islam’s danger to the West in general and Europe in particular.

Murray has become famous for his war reports from near the front lines in Israel and his many newspaper articles, and interviews on respected news shows throughout the English-speaking world.

Millions have watched YouTube clips of his biting ripostes against Hamas apologists, persuasive arguments for the need to destroy the Islamist terror group, and stalwart defense of Israel’s military actions.

Upon receiving the small wooden box that held an inscription and a copy of an ancient oil lamp, Murray said, “There is some truth in that I do have a very low tolerance threshold for lies. And I believe, and have believed for a very long time…that this country suffers from more lies about it than any other country in the world.”

He then quoted a line from W.H. Auden’s poem on World War II that said “All I have is a voice to undo the folded lie,” and said he believed it was his own “partially self-appointed task” to use his own voice to undo the “folded lies” about Israel that he sees “all over the world – and anyone with a sense not just of justice, but of fairness, sees the same thing.”

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“People who love death so much have no chance of winning against those who love life,” he stated. “I feel extraordinarily proud to say that it is a huge honor for me to stand by the State of Israel, to stand by your side, and I hope I can say: to stand by our side.”
