IDF arrests Palestinian woman for assaulting troops

Another Palestinian woman who was documented attacking IDF soldiers, in an attempt to provoke them and then film their reaction, was arrested. 

By: World Israel News Staff

Israeli forces early Wednesday morning arrested Nour Tamimi on charges of assault after she was seen on video hitting slapping and kicking IDF troops.

Tamimi, 20, was arrested at her home in the village of Nabi Saleh, northwest of Ramallah.

Nour appeared in a social media clip with her cousin Ahed assaulting two IDF soldiers in the village on Friday. With cameras filming the incident, it appeared to be an attempt to provoke them into a violent response. The troops maintained their composure and merely defended themselves from some of the harder blows.

Ahed Tamimi, 17, was arrested on charges of assault and incitement a day before. Her mother, Manal Tamimi, 45, a leader of the Popular Resistance Organizing Committee in Nabi Saleh and an anti-Semite who recently accused Jews of “drinking Palestinian blood,” was also detained hours later.

The Tamimi family has a long history of staging confrontations with IDF soldiers, which they film and photograph to serve as anti-Israel propaganda.
