Turkey’s president denounces Israel as a ‘Zionist terrorist organization,’ claims Israel is plotting land grab in Turkey

Recep Tayyip Erdogan calls the state of Israel a ‘terrorist organization,’ hints that Turkey could confront the Jewish state, while castigating American lawmakers who applauded Netanyahu during his address to Congress.

By David Rosenberg, World Israel News Staff

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the State of Israel a terrorist organization Wednesday, and hinting at a possible future confrontation between Turkey and the Jewish state.

Addressing a gathering of members of his Justice and Development Party (AK Party) in the Turkish parliament, Erdogan castigated Israel over its attacks on Iranian proxy groups, including the Hezbollah and Hamas terrorist groups.

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Erdogan warned that Israel’s attacks on the two organizations, which began attacking Israel on October 8th and 7th, 2023 respectively, could lead to a wide-spread regional war.

Denouncing Israel as a “Zionist terrorist organization,” Erdogan reiterated his accusations that Jerusalem is plotting territorial encroachments against Turkey, a claim he made to the Turkish parliament Tuesday.

“After Lebanon, the next place on which Israel will set its eyes will be our homeland,” Erdogan told Turkish lawmakers Tuesday.

Erdogan doubled down on the claim Wednesday, adding that Turkey was prepared to defend its territory and confront Israel.

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“Turkey has the strength to burst their bubble. Israel’s promised land delusion’ will ultimately lead to great disappointment and defeat.”

The Turkish president also condemned Western powers, accusing them of “hypocrisy” vis-a-vis Israel and the ongoing conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon.

Erdogan’s government is working on “exposing the hypocrisy in the West at every turn,” he said, taking aim in particular at American lawmakers who welcomed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a joint session of Congress in July.

History “never forgive those who applauded Netanyahu who has the blood of tens of thousands on his hands,” Erdogan said.

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Erdogan defended Palestinian terrorist groups including Hamas, calling its members “freedom fighters” who are “fighting for the honor of the Muslim world.”
