Eyal Zamir named new IDF deputy chief of staff

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed new  Deputy IDF Chief of General Staff Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv.

By World Israel News Staff

On Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appointed Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir as the next deputy chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces in one of his first acts since he appointed himself defense minister.

Speaking at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, Netanyahu remarked, “This is my first visit here to the General Staff as Prime Minister and Defense Minister. We have a common mission – to guard the security of Israel in all arenas.”

In his welcoming comments, Netanyahu noted, “Maj.-Gen. Zamir has many achievements and is an esteemed officer who will assist IDF Chief-of-Staff-designate Maj.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi in leading the IDF to new heights.”

Prior to his appointment, Zamir served as head of the Southern Command, managing the development of a huge underground barrier surrounding the Gaza Strip to prevent Palestinian terror groups from infiltrating Israel via their network of tunnels.

At the event on Thursday, Netanyhau also thanked outgoing Deputy Chief Maj.-Gen. Nitzan Alon “for his major contribution over the years to the IDF and the security of Israel.”

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In addition to the Zamir announcement, Netanyahu also addressed Jewish state’s current security situation, noting that in Gaza Israel is “ready to act and do everything that needs to be done to maintain the security of the residents of the area adjacent to the Gaza Strip and the south.”

Netanyahu also touched on Judea and Samaria, noting, “This year, the IDF and the ISA have foiled around 500 terrorist attacks. This is the opportunity to commend the recent joint action that prevented a very large attack which was directed by Hamas in Gaza.”

Finally, with regard to Syria and Lebanon, Netanyahu stated, “We are continuing to take action to thwart the establishment of an Iranian military presence in Syria, and Hezbollah’s precision weapons project in Lebanon.”
