WATCH: US presidential candidate asks – ‘What is Aleppo?’U.S. presidential candidate Gary Johnson asks: 'What is Aleppo?' September 8, 2016
Palestinians postpone elections indefinitelyPalestinian democracy showed further signs of distress when the Palestinian high court on Thursday postponed municipal elections that had been set for next month, putting on hold what would have been the first real test in a decade of political support for arch-rivals Hamas and Fatah. September 8, 2016
Russian jet taunts US aircraftThe US and Russia are currently engaged in a tit-for-tat as each side seeks to flex its muscles and demonstrate dominance and power. September 8, 2016
Israeli journalist exposes Palestinian leader Abbas as former Soviet spySenior Palestinian officials are enraged after an Israeli report claimed that President Mahmoud Abbas had served as a Soviet KGB agent in the past. September 8, 2016
UN condemns North Korea missile tests, threatens actionNorth Korea has repeatedly flouted UN Security Council resolutions demanding an end to its nuclear and ballistic missile activities and has continued to launch missiles, escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula and in the region. September 7, 2016
Iran again provokes US Navy in Persian GulfIran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) continued its provocations against the US Navy in the Persian Gulf on Sunday when seven armed Iranian boats sped towards a US Navy patrol ship, blocking its path. September 7, 2016
Syria: Assad drops chlorine bombs on rebelsSyrian activists and rescue workers in the rebel-held part of the contested city of Aleppo said that government warplanes dropped suspected chlorine bombs Tuesday on a crowded neighborhood, injuring dozens. September 7, 2016
Trump says Israel may be ‘destroyed’ if he is not electedRepublican Presidential candidate Donald Trump said Tuesday that if he is not elected president in November, Israel is at risk of being destroyed, apparently by Iran. September 7, 2016
Saudi Arabia’s top cleric says Iranians are ‘not Muslims’ Grand Mufti Abdulaziz Al Sheikhsaid said Iranians are descendants of Zoroastrians and are therefore "not Muslims," after Iran accused Saudi Arabia of murdering Iranian pilgrims during last year's Hajj. September 6, 2016
Iran’s Khamenei: Saudis murdered hajj pilgrimsIran's supreme leader on Monday said Saudi Arabian authorities "murdered" Muslim pilgrims who were injured during last year's hajj stampede. September 6, 2016
Czechs work to evict pig farm from former Nazi concentration camp Czech government ministers say they have been working to remove a communist-era pig farm from the site of Lety, a former Nazi concentration camp. September 6, 2016
Iran shuts down hundreds of clothing storesIran's police have shut down more than 800 clothing stores across the Islamic Republic for selling "unconventional and inappropriate" woman's clothing, state media reported on Monday. September 6, 2016
43 killed in 4 bombings in SyriaA string of bombings, including a suicide attack claimed by the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group, struck in and around several Syrian cities on Monday, killing at least 43 people, mainly in government-controlled areas. September 5, 2016
North Korea fires 3 missiles during G20 summitNorth Korea on Monday fired three medium-range missiles that traveled about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) and landed near Japan in an apparent show of force timed to coincide with the Group of 20 economic summit in China, South Korean officials said. September 5, 2016
Germany: Far-right makes gains in state electionsGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel has yet to say whether she will seek a fourth term next year, as is widely expected. While polls this year have shown her popularity slipping from stellar to merely solid, there is no obvious conservative alternative and her bloc is ahead nationally. September 5, 2016
Notorious ‘Nazi grandma’ convicted of Holocaust denialHolocaust denial is illegal in Germany and Ursula Haverbeck-Wetzel, a prominent neo-Nazi, continues to break the law, denying irrefutable facts that show German culpability for the murder of millions during WWII. September 4, 2016
WATCH: Explosion in Philippines; 14 dead, dozens woundedPhilippine President Rodrigo Duterte has declared a “state of lawlessness” in the wake of an explosion killed at least 14 people. September 3, 2016
Brazilian parliament votes to impeach presidentBrazil's Senate on Wednesday voted to oust President Dilma Rousseff from office, the conclusion of a yearlong political struggle. September 2, 2016
WATCH: New Allegations of Secret Iran Deals Approved by ObamaA chilling new report suggests that Iran was given secret advantages that could make it easier for the Islamic Republic to acquire nuclear weapons. September 1, 2016
WATCH: Massive explosion at Cape CanaveralSpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket, meant to launch a satellite this weekend, exploded Thursday morning on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida. September 1, 2016
In Mexico, Trump defends building wall along borderTrump's visit to Mexico, at the invitation of President Nieto, aroused controversy, considering his lack of popularity in that country. September 1, 2016
WATCH: ISIS’ ‘intentional strategy to radicalize children’Lawfare Project Director and human rights attorney Brooke Goldstein discusses ISIS's radicalization of children. August 31, 2016
Iran arrests member of negotiation team for espionageIranian authorities detained Abdolrasoul Dorri Esfahani, a dual Iranian-Canadian national and reportedly a member of a team that worked on the Iran Nuclear Deal last year, for alleged espionage. August 31, 2016
US commander slams Iran for belligerence in GulfGen. Joseph Votel, the top commander of US forces in the Middle East, sharply criticized Iran on Tuesday for last week’s provocations by Iranian patrol boats against US naval vessels in the Persian Gulf. August 31, 2016
UN renews mandate in Lebanon; warns of another war with HezbollahThe United Nations Security Council passed a unanimous resolution extending the mandate of its UNIFIL peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon by another year, and warned that violations of the cessation of hostilities agreement between Israel and Lebanon could lead to a new war. August 31, 2016
Czechs cave to Palestinian demand to remove Jerusalem as Israeli capital from schoolbooksCaving in to the Palestinian Authority, the Czech Republic ordered its schools to teach that Tel Aviv – not Jerusalem – is the capital of the State of Israel. August 30, 2016
Iran to begin building two new nuclear plantsIran said that it will soon implement Bushehr Phase II - construction on two nuclear plants in the country, as part of a deal with Russia announced two years ago. August 30, 2016
Iran deploys S-300 air defense system around nuclear siteApparently fearing an attack, Iran has begun deploying the Russian-made S-300 air defense system around its underground Fordo nuclear facility. August 29, 2016
Israeli to be extradited for selling weapons parts to IranAn Israeli belonging to a hasidic sect is wanted in the U.S., where he was indicted for selling sensitive weapons parts to Iran. August 29, 2016
American Jewish family hit by anti-Semitism generates global supportWhen Esther Cohen-Eskin discovered a swastika spray-painted on her trash can in front of her suburban Pennsylvania home, she felt targeted and alone. But then something extraordinary happened. August 28, 2016
WATCH: Italy earthquake survivors deal with heartbreakSurvivors of the massive earthquake in central Italy last Wednesday are now dealing with grief after losing their homes and their loved ones. August 28, 2016
Bombing in Turkey kills 11 policemen, wounds 80Turkey suffered another terror attack, this time by Kurdish terrorists, which claimed at least 11 lives and wounded several dozen. August 26, 2016
Jordan, Egypt leaders discuss ISIS threat, Mideast issuesEgypt and Jordan are working together to combat shared threats and tackle joint concerns. August 26, 2016
WATCH: What is really happening at the Turkish-Syrian border?The U.S.- backed Kurds have reportedly been pulling back in northern Syria as Turkey continues its anti-ISIS operation. August 25, 2016
Iranian boats harass US warship near Persian GulfFour Iranian boats on Wednesday harassed and attempted to intimidate a US Navy warship near the Persian Gulf in international waters, but no fire was exchanged. August 25, 2016
WATCH: Earth-like planet discovered orbiting sun’s closest starA planet named Proxima B has been discovered orbiting the star nearest to the sun. August 25, 2016
WATCH: Rescuers seek survivors of massive earthquake in ItalyThe town of Amatrice was turned into rubble after a powerful 6.2-magnitude earthquake rocked central Italy at 3:36 a.m local time. August 24, 2016
Virginia: Islamic terrorist wounds 2 in stabbing attackPolice believe Wasil Farooqui chose his victims randomly before he attacked them with a knife while repeatedly shouting 'Allahu Akbar.' August 24, 2016
Italy hit by lethal earthquakeCentral Italy was struck by a powerful earthquake early Wednesday morning, collapsing buildings and killing at least 21 people, including an entire family of four. August 24, 2016
Iran’s Revolutionary Guard targets hundreds of social media usersThe military body said that those detained or summoned posted messages that they deemed as immoral, were related to modeling, or which insulted Muslim religious beliefs. August 24, 2016
WATCH: Is Trump changing his immigration policy?Trump discusses how he plans to keep the 'bad guys' out, beginning with bringing back respect for the police. August 24, 2016
WATCH: Anti-Trump protesters turn violent, burn U.S. flagA violent demonstration against Trump supporters over the weekend was ignored by mainstream media. August 23, 2016
3 wounded in machete attack on Brussels busThree passengers were injured, two seriously, after being stabbed by an Asian woman with a machete on a public transportation bus in Brussels. August 22, 2016
WATCH: Syrian refugee in Paris cooks to break stereotypesA Syrian refugee in Paris is taking over a trendy restaurant with the hope of becoming a professional chef in his adopted country. August 22, 2016
Iran suspends Russian airstrikes from its air baseAfter Russia appeared to brag about its use of an airbase in Iran to attack in Syria, Iran suspended Russia's ability to make further use of the base. August 22, 2016
Twitter shuts down more terror-linked accountsEfforts to stem online incitement to terror seem to be making progress as Twitter closed thousands of accounts last week. August 22, 2016
WATCH: Canadian journalist appeals to U.S. Jews to vote for TrumpA Canadian Jewish journalist issues an appeal to "my fellow Hebrews" in America, making the case for a Donald Trump presidency. August 21, 2016
International organization rescues animals from Gaza zooInternational charity organization Four Paws has rescued animals from a zoo in Gaza after it was deemed "the worst in the world." August 21, 2016
Germany rejects Greek demand for WWII reparationsGreece is pursuing diplomatic and legal avenues to force Germany to pay reparations for its occupation of the country during World War II. August 21, 2016
Senior Trump adviser accused of anti-SemitismOne of Trump's top advisers denies allegations of anti-Semitism, saying that he's proud of his wife's Jewish heritage. August 19, 2016
WATCH: U.S. funds to Iran contingent on release of captivesJohn Kirby admitted that the U.S. agreed to send money to Iran only after the American hostages were released. August 19, 2016
Trump revamps campaign, tries to appear more inclusiveFor the first time during his campaign, Trump apologized for his controversial remarks that may have been hurtful to others. August 19, 2016
14 Killed in Turkey bombings, over 220 woundedTurkey was hit again by terrorism on Thursday when two car bombs exploded at police stations in an eastern province of the country, killing at least six people and wounding over 120 August 18, 2016
Russia: Bombing ISIS from Iran not violation of sanctionsAfter coming under criticism from the US State Department for its possible violation of certain sanctions against Iran after it used the Islamic Republic's territory to launch strikes in Syria, Russia denied any wrongdoing. August 17, 2016
Americans are ‘largely asleep,’ says conservative media personalityAmericans are “largely asleep” while under the growing threat of Islamic terror. August 17, 2016
WATCH: Clinton says Trump has ‘aversion to truth’U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says that Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, has an 'aversion to the truth.' August 17, 2016
WATCH: Trump returns to his populist approachTrump says that the Democratic Party has failed and betrayed the African American community. August 17, 2016
Greece seeking WWII reparations from GermanyGreece is pursuing diplomatic and legal avenues to force Germany to pay reparations for its occupation of the country during World War II. August 17, 2016
WATCH: US lawmaker says Obama’s obsession with closing Gitmo is ‘dangerous’ A Republican congressman says that Obama's 'obsession' with closing the Guantamano Bay detention center is extremely dangerous. August 16, 2016
WATCH: Russian warplanes target ISIS in Syria from IranThe Russian Defense Ministry released a video of long-range bombers striking ISIS in Syria from Iran. August 16, 2016