
Wendy's burning

WATCH: Atlanta police shooting adds fuel to protests

Protesters gathered after the police shooting of Rayshard Brooks on Friday in Atlanta. At one point, protesters blocked a six-lane highway and set fire to the Wendy's where the shooting took place.
June 14, 2020

WATCH: Israel successfully tests new LORA missile

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) successfully tested its latest ballistic missile on Tuesday. The LORA (Long-Range Artillery) Weapon System was tested at sea at a range of 55 miles and 248 miles.
June 3, 2020
Kochavi, right, is briefed at the scene where the body of Dvir Sorek was found, Aug. 8, 2019.

WATCH: IDF prepares as countdown to annexation begins

The Israel Defense Forces is preparing for Palestinian unrest as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sets up a vote on a proposal to annex some 30 percent of Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley, ILTV reports.
June 3, 2020