Hamas betrayed Red Crescent in Gaza, UAE asserts

Hamas is accused of betraying the Red Crescent humanitarian organization in Gaza during the 2014 conflict with Israel by firing missiles from a field hospital.

Speaking at the Crown Prince’s Majilis (parliament) on Monday, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Red Crescent Secretary General, Mohammed Al Falahi, accused Hamas of knowingly endangering Red Crescent staff offering aid and medical assistance in Gaza in the 2014 conflict with Israel. The Red Crescent coordinated with Israeli forces via the Red Cross to avoid any targeting of their staff in the Strip.

While working at a Gaza field hospital set up by the UAE, the team was surprised to find Hamas terrorists firing homemade rockets from the hospital, knowing Israeli forces would return fire, which they did. “They always claim that the enemy (Israel) targets humanitarian envoys, but the betrayal came from them. This shows, their (Hamas) wicked intentions and how they sacrificed us.”

The accusation by the UAE Red Crescent supports Israel’s long held contention that throughout the 2014 conflict, Hamas launched rocket attacks from hospitals and schools, willfully endangering civilians and aid workers. Using civilians and aid workers as human shields is a war crime under international law.

Read  Hamas urges Arab countries to resist Trump's Gaza relocation plan

As the team left the Strip, “after having raised the white flag, Hamas accused us of being spies, undercover foreign intelligence who were escaping,” said Al Falahi, adding this was an additional Hamas betrayal.

The team left Gaza via Egypt, where Al Falahi suggested Hamas informed Islamic extremist militias of their passage and advised them to make jihad against them. The team came under fire while stopping for supplies and also discovered that landmines were planted on the road they were meant to use.

“So, Muslims fighting Muslims who were giving aid to Muslims,”Al Falahi added.  “What hurts is that the betrayal came from our own people.”

By Gary Cohen / World Israel News
