Palestinian arrested after stabbing attack May 3, 2015IDF forces checking a Palestinian car. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)(Hadas Parush/Flash90)Palestinian arrested after stabbing attack Tweet WhatsApp Email Email Print Israeli Police at the scene of the terror attack in Jerusalem last week. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)Israeli security forces arrested an Arab youth who tried stabbing them at a checkpoint in an attempted terror attack.By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel NewsA Palestinian terrorist was arrested on Saturday by IDF forces after he attempted to stab soldiers during a security check near Jerusalem.The incident occurred in the morning when the 15-year-old Arab youth approached the Tunnels Road checkpoint at the entrance to Jerusalem carrying a knife. He attacked a soldier, but was overpowered and arrested. No one was injured, and the terrorist was taken for questioning.Latest in a String of TerrorPalestinians committed three terror attacks against Israeli security forces in the Jerusalem vicinity on the weekend immediately following Israel Independence Day just over a week ago.In the most severe case of Palestinian terror, a Palestinian drove his car into a group of police officers on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, moderately wounding a policewoman and lightly injuring two others.In another incident, a Palestinian terrorist was shot and killed at the A-Zaim checkpoint in northern Jerusalem on Friday night after he tried stabbing security forces manning the post.On Saturday, in Hebron, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed and moderately wounded a soldier in the neck as he was guarding the Cave of the Patriarchs. The terrorist was shot and killed.Read WATCH: IDF forces arrest man who named son 'Sinwar'The most recent terror attack before this latest string of incidents occurred in Jerusalem on April 16, when an Arab rammed his car into two Israelis sitting at a bus stop, killing Shalom Cherki, 25, and critically wounding Shira Klein, 20.Minister of Internal Security Yitzchak Aharonovich said Sunday that in his estimation, the Palestinian terror that has been plaguing Jerusalem will persist. Cave of the PatriarchsCheckpointHebronIslamic terrorJerusalem terrormount of olives