
Jerusalem riots

WATCH: Arabs riot in Jerusalem

Arab rioting broke out in the Old City of Jerusalem Sunday night after the end of the day's Ramadan fasting.
April 3, 2022

SHOCKING: Terrorist shoots at passengers in car

A Palestinian terrorist shoots at passing cars in the city of B’nei Brak in central Israel Tuesday evening. Five people were killed. #Israel: (NSFW) The attacker from the terrorist attack in Tel Aviv, appare...
March 29, 2022
Nefesh b'Nefesh MedEx

WATCH: Where Zionism and medicine meet

Rabbi Yehoshua Fass of Nefesh b'Nefesh, the premiere organization facilitating aliyah (immigration to Israel), discusses this week's MedEx event that connected American doctors with Israeli hospitals seeking me...
March 29, 2022
Vladimir Putin

WATCH: What is Putin afraid of?

Fox News contributor Dan Hoffman says Russian President Vladimir Putin is terrified of democracy on 'Sunday Night in America.'
March 28, 2022