Killing Jews is not ‘freedom of expression’

The “March of Return” is Hamas’ way of saying that it refuses to accept defeat and seeks to turn the clock back to the Arab assault on the nascent Jewish state in 1948.

By Daniel Krygier, Exclusive to World Israel News

The “March of Return” Gaza border aggression organized by Hamas has absurdly been described by EU’s foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini as “freedom of expression” and “freedom of assembly.” In reality, there is no “freedom of expression” in Gaza other than advocating murder of Jews and calling for the destruction of Israel.

By blaming Israel for defending itself, instead of holding Hamas accountable for its aggression, the UN and EU endangers the lives of civilians on both sides of the conflict. Hamas deliberately targets Israeli civilians while cynically hiding behind Arab civilians, a double war crime. The same international community that demanded that Israel leaves Gaza, now hypocritically attacks the Jewish state for defending its border and citizens.

Many critics argue that Gaza is a tinderbox with an impending humanitarian crisis. If the Hamas regime focused on peacefully building Gaza instead of destroying Israel and murdering Jews, there would be no casualties and no conflict with Israel.

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The Arab population under Fatah and Hamas receives more financial aid per capita than any other people on earth. However, instead of investing in schools, factories and hospitals, Hamas invests in expanding its capabilities to kill Jews. Instead of becoming a new thriving Singapore, Gaza is becoming a new failed Somalia.

The “March of Return” is Hamas’ way of saying that it refuses to accept defeat and seeks to turn the clock back to the Arab assault on the nascent Jewish state in 1948. Israel’s enemies like Hamas know that they cannot defeat Israel on the military battlefield.

Instead, they hold on to the fantasy of destroying Israel by flooding the country with millions of foreign and hostile Arabs. At the very minimum, Hamas seeks to demoralize and demonize the Jewish state by putting its own civilians in harm’s way so Israel will be condemned internationally for unintentionally targeting civilians.

Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood that was influenced in the 1930s by European Nazism and Fascism. The anti-Semitic charter of Hamas explicitly calls for the destruction of Israel. Hamas is not going to reform into a peaceful Middle Eastern version of Denmark.

However, thanks to Israeli military innovations like the Iron Dome and technologies of detecting and neutralizing terrorist tunnels, it is becoming increasingly difficult for Hamas to target Israeli civilians. As public and tacit relations grow between Israel and the Sunni Arab world to counter the threat from Iran, Hamas and other anti-Semitic Islamist terrorist groups are becoming increasingly marginalized and irrelevant.

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